23 August 2008

Molly Girl

Molly loves laundry day!

Molly has been part of our family now for one week.  That one week has definitely been an adventure.  We have officially decided that our cat may actually be part dog.  Two nights in a row Molly has ransacked our trash.  The third night we tried to prevent it, but she pushed the trash can across the floor, up onto the ramp going into the sun room and tipped it over.  

Molly also likes to sleep during the day (that's why dr. thought she was a lazy cat).  She goes to sleep at 3, right when we get home form work, and then at 11 when we are going to sleep, Molly gets up and eventually gets locked in the kitchen.

She loves to investigate.  Today Molly went outside to investigate the deck.  She spent about 25 minutes out there. She liked it outside but still is unsure about all the sounds.

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