08 October 2008

molly's first surgery

i think molly has decided we are not busy enough.  the other day, dr. decided molly needed to go out in the real world.  unfortunately, molly had never met  dog before until then.  after hearing a lot of barks, i found molly trapped in a tree with a dog standing at the bottom with his mouth open.  he just couldn't wait to eat.  dr. somehow lowered me over the fence by my feet while I grabbed molly (since she fell out of the tree).

ever since the little incident, molly has not been walking on her right front foot.  after a week of it only getting worse, dr. took her to the vet on his day off.  molly had to be sedated and had surgery on her foot.  she had split her claw in half so she had to get it taken out.  it was infected.  there was also another spot on her foot where I am assuming she had a sticker.

when dr. went to pick molly up from the vet, he noticed a rocker guy with a goofy dog that had a cone on his head.  dr. just kind of laughed.  you know it is always funny when you see that on an animals head.  well, the vet was going over with dr. all of molly's medicines and everything we had to do to keep her healthy and feeling ok.  on the list of things was the elizabethean collar.  dr. asked what that was since he had never heard of it.  out comes molly with a big cone on her head.

our cat has a big cone on her head.  yes, read that sentence again.  our cat has a cone on her head.

usually we hear the jingle of her collar and know exactly where she is and what she is doing.  now when we want to know where she is, we listen for the plastic cone that she is dragging against the walls as she walks down the hall.

please keep molly in your prayers.

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