08 November 2008

cat for sale

If anyone is looking for an orange cat with freckles, i have one for sale! i have come to the conclusion that dr. chose the smartest and most active cat in the universe. she may be a "super" cat if there is such thing. since the cone incident, molly has become a new feline. maybe she felt so secluded during her week of post surgery that she felt as though she would never take anything or granted again.

i thought it would be a good idea to buy molly a water dish that has about a weeks supply of water in it since she is an avid drinker of water. i was having to fill her dish up two times a day. there was a blue jug dish that would continually fill the dish as the cat drank from it. unfortunately when it refills, it has big bubbles in the tank (just think about the water jugs people have in their offices with little cone cups to fill up). molly apparently thinks bubbles are god's gift to cats. she insists on sticking her paw up the water dish until she finds the spout of the jug. she then presses the side of her body against the jug and tips the entire dish over which leads to the 1/2 gallon jug emptying onto the floor. after four straight days of having 2 gallons of water spilt on my floor daily, the jug water dish was taken away from molly. her white water dish was returned to her watering station.

now about a week after having the old water dish back, molly decides that this dish had become incredibly interesting. molly has learned to flip this dish onto it's side so that all the water will pour out on the floor and then returns it to its proper position. i just wish that i could be entertained by water dishes as much as my cat!

molly also seemed to have enjoyed halloween more than our trick-or-treaters did. since dr. was on call today, i did a little house cleaning while i was feeling sorry for my sick self. apparently molly thought the tootsie pops that we gave away for halloween were extremely special and decided to take them and add them to her stack of toys. fortunately she wasn't eating them, she was just adding them to her toy collection.

molly has also figured out how to jump from the tv in the den to the top of the bookcases and then jump onto the top of the closet in our den. unfortunately she has not figured out how to get down yet.

if this sounds like a cat that would fit into your family's lifestyle, i will drop her in the mail tomorrow. i can also send you more information on her astonishing abilities ( like looking out the front door window.... even if it is four feet of the ground).

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