20 April 2009


i give you a picture of dr.  just in case you forgot what he looks like!

just wanted to keep everyone updated on the countdown to summer.  25 days!

life is good in good 'ol mississip.  dr. is working hard in the sicu (surgery icu).  he will be in obgyn next month.  that means next month will be an easy month for dr. and he will get to deliver babies!  he has been working extremely hard on Q3 (call every 3 nights).  dr. is also studying for his boards which he takes may 4th and 5th.  please have him in your thoughts.  he has been extremely good at studying.  i wish i had as much willpower as he has!

spring is finally here.  well it has been here for a while, and with it, of course, is tornado season.  i know i am still shocked that mississippi has a tornado season.  we have been spared from any damage as all tornados have passed just south of us.

i am not quite as busy at school.  i have finally gotten out of the vanderbilt lesson plans an figured out how to write lesson plans in about 15 minutes.  this is wonderful considering it used to take me about 15 hours at the beginning of the year.  right now i am just coasting.  my centers are already prepared and ready to just pull out when we need to review topics.  my children's grades have progressively gone up all year and my entire class passed their state math exam.  yipee!

i took two of my kid's cases down to district to try and get them tested for special education.  both of them were accepted and one of them is even going to get home school!  yea!  needless to say i deserve to be coasting right now considering how much work i have put into everything else!

dr. has planted the vegetable garden.  we are growing beans, broccoli, corn, basil, tomatoes, watermelon, squash, canteloupe, cucumbers and an assortment of peppers.  believe it or not, most of them are growing (even though it is at a slow pace).  we are having difficulty with the canteloupe.  beans, squash, and cucumber are growing the fastest.

the front yard is looking great and i think is pretty much landscaped. now we just need a somewhat moist summer and it will look nice.

molly is fine and has had no real new adventures lately.  we still think she is only halfway spayed because every three months she roams the house for about eight days straight yowling as loud as she can.  we have learned to tune her out.  she is getting a little better with it.  at first she didn't want to have anything to do with us.  no petting, snuggling, or anything.  this past week while she was in heat ( which is not anything like a dog in heat) she cuddled with me every night just like normal.

jackson has grown on us a lot since we first moved here.  we have really been getting out and doing things with people.  i have two groups of friends.  one from school and one from the hospital.  therefore i have black girls night out and white girls night out. you can probably guess which one is more rowdy!  starting in july i will be the secretary/treasurer for the spouses alliance.  we have monthly girl nights out, play groups every friday, easter egg hunts, halloween parties, end of the year parties and are involved in a lot of community service.  it has been great being a part of this group.  all of us are in the same boat.  in a strange city with no money!  i have met some fantastic girls and meet about 3 new ones every month.  it is neat meeting them and going home and talking to dr. about different people and looking at their pictures on facebook to see if dr. knows them.  sometimes it turns out that he is really good friends with their husbands or was on call with them the night before.   

some of you have heard my stories from black girls night out.  that is a whole other blog!  needless to say, I would never give up the teachers i work with.  they are the most wonderful poeple i have ever worked with.  the principal .... not so much.

abigail hart allen is now 1 month and 1 day old!  

dr. and molly say hello.  ( well not really.  i am listening to some post-call snoring right now but i am sure if he was awake he would say hello.  and i am also sure that if molly could talk she would say hello or maybe hola.)

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