07 June 2009

miracle grow

never again will we grow plants from seed.  ok, maybe i shouldn't say that but last year it took forever for any veggies to grow.  right now our veggies are growing at a snails pace.  they are all about a foot tall and trying to put out fruit.  i am not sure that a foot tall plant is going to hold up bell peppers and tomatoes.  doc and mk sent us cool topsy turvy planters.  this was exactly what we needed because all of our sun shines on our deck.  (hmmm maybe that is why our garden grows so slow!).  we pulled up some of our plants and stuck them into the topsy turvy.  right now we have some jalapeno and bell peppers starting to bud in the garden.  we have a watermelon plant that is about two feet long and one of our quash plants has a bloom!

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