23 August 2009

first picture

We don't go to the doctor for another three weeks. We can't wait that long to share. We will pray that the doctor's appointment goes well on September 16th. I will be exactly 9 weeks then (we think!). We are guessing I am about 6 weeks and 3 days. I am feeling nauseous in the mornings and at night. As long as I get breakfast soon after I wake up I don't get shaky. Luckily I just started feeling bad this past week, and I wouldn't really call it bad, just need a little extra push. I was hoping I was a lot further along ( we thought I COULD be 3 months) because I am FAT and none of my clothes fit. I think it is silly for them not to fit this early on. So I guess this is my first picture. Although I am calling this a FAT picture.... or I am having quadruplets. I am not excited about this picture but what the h#!!. We will take a picture every couple of weeks in the same clothes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not a fat picture!! All those hormones kick in really quickly and you retain water and get puffy at the beginning.

Anyway... CONGRATS!
Jen, Jamey, Mason