06 December 2009

Snow Day

It has been quite chilly in Mississippi! Why can't it snow during the week?

Two more weeks until Chirstmas Break! I am working on my lesson plans right now. My goal is to have the rest of the lesson plans for the year written by the time break is over. ( Only have ten more to write!) I don't want to leave on maternity leave and have other people trying to do my work. Not their fault I am pregnant, right!?! Also, I want my classroom to run smoothly for Mrs. Lorthridge during the end of the school year.

Life is still normal here in Jackson Town. All of our Christmas parties are next weekend. We are planning on driving to Texarkana on December 24th and we will probably drive back to Jackson the afternoon of the 27th. Some point after that ( probably the 29th) we will make our way for a night in Mobile. Then we will return to work!

I thought my Spring Break was the week before Baby Chuck's due date but in fact it is not. Which is actually nice to have a week break in my 8/9 month of pregnancy! I do have a little Easter Break the week before he is due so who knows, we might have a little Easter surprise. Do I think he is going to come early? If you had talked to me last week, I was about to call everyone and make sure their bags were packed so they could get on the road to Jackson. I just feel so big. I think Baby Chuck will have Weber genes when it comes to size.

Still no real symptoms. My back is starting to hurt if I sit on the couch for too long and when I wake up in the morning. I think I might need a cane for the morning. A month from now, I have no idea how I am going to get myself out of the bed. I am already dreading month 8 and 9! Luckily I am standing all day at school so my back doesn't bother me during the day. Just am starting to have to get my students to pick up things for me.

Other than that, things are just the same ol' same ol'. Dr. is on OB this month so has not really been working. He is in the OB in the ER and there are enough residents that he just sits there all day. He would rather be at home studying.

We have decided that Samer has no domesticated cat in him. He is first generation domesticated. Although we said this about Molly to and she is just a sweetheart.... an obese sweetheart. Samer is just overwhelmed with hormones these days and is now your typical 5 or 6 year old. He has successfully undecorated our tree. He found our pickle ornament before I even could figure out where Dr. hid it. He is averaging 4 ornaments a day, but has yet to break anything. We just bought something to spray the tree with so he will not feel the need to keep on chewing it. Samer does have a little appointment with the doctor on the 17th so come the new year, we should have a newly behaved little orange cat. We will start the diets January 1st for the kitties. I am getting tired of rolling Molly back over when she gets stuck on her back!

Yesterday I went next door to Ginger's house to decorate gingerbread houses. She had three other ladies over so we sat around the table for two hours talking and decorating. It was ladies that I am already friends with but it was fun getting to talk to them other than out in the street. I also picked up a couple of pseudo grandmothers for those days Baby Chuck is feeling under the weather and Dr. and I have no way of staying home. Our next door neighbor was there and it turns out the doctor wants her baby out on Wednesday so we will have a new little girl next door come Wednesday night!

Well, I must go. My toes and Baby Chuck's toes are freezing so we are going to take a nice warm bath ( which unfortunately Samer has decided he likes to do now.) Samer gets in the tub and lays on my legs so his head is still above water. Looks like a wet rat when he gets out but I think he likes the warm water just as much as his mom does. He can hear the tub running from half a mile away. If you can't find him, you turn on the tub water and he will come running!

Hope your not dreading Monday as much as I am!

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