26 January 2010

I made it!

Hello... is anyone there...... is this a dream....

Ahhhh, I made it! It is over! Yahoooooo!

Ok, so Dr. took me to the doctor's office at 7:00 this morning. We started with a blood draw to get the fasting glucose level. If you are over 120, you are automatically diabetic and they stop the test. If you are under 120, they continue with the test to monitor how your body processes the sugar. My fasting glucose was a whopping 86. So Unfortunately, and fortunately, we were allowed to continue with the test. So an hour and a half after that first blood draw, I had to drink an awesomely yummy ( insert sarcasm here) glucola drink with 100 g of glucose. Baby Chuck immediately started kicking. I don't think that is what he expected for breakfast. After that had been in my system an hour, they drew blood. An hour after that, they drew blood. And finally, and hour after that, they drew blood.

What did I do this whole time.... I sat in the waiting room, for four and a half hours. It was so exciting ( you may just want to insert sarcasm everywhere). Luckily there was a TV and I got some school work done. I was so sleepy though and have you ever tried to go to sleep in a waiting room chair when the back is so low down there is no where to put your head and the seat is only as big as your bottom. I did have the room to myself for a good two hours until the numbers started trickling in. I was entertained by a guy trying to find a new ring for his phone, a large man/woman ( not sure which one) who was grunting...I think for air. I was not prepared to perform CPR on him, and elderly people having conversations about things I never needed to know.

As I was nearing the last blood draw I was becoming somewhat hungry after 11 hours with no food. Apparently the little wee one in my stomach was hungrier than I. He was kicking the entire morning but this time he gave me a big soccer kick to the right side. I reached down to kind of rub my side and to my surprise there was a HUGE lump sticking out of my side. It FREAKED me out. It seems as though Chuck does not have enough room in there and need to stretch out his legs! I just shoved his foot back in and started laughing hysterically! I pretended like something funny was on my phone but I was in shock! I did NOT know how to react. It tickled but it also made me a little dizzy thinking that there was a foot sticking out of my side! Chuck also thinks it is hysterical as it seems as though it is his new thing to do today.

All in all it went swell. Dr. left after my second draw and our next door neighbor came and picked me up when I was done. What would we do without Ginger? She is our psuedo-mama. She takes care of our animals when we are out of town. She fixes us meals at least two times a month and she loves it when you ask her to do something. She loves to be useful and feel important. We definitely lucked out with the Ms. Kravitz next door!

OK, and now for the bump. Listen, today I left the makeup at home but decided to venture out with the double chin. Please don't judge. It was not my best day today. I decided I might as well make use of my four and a half hours in the waiting room and get a pic of the growing pinto in the stomach. In reality, I am a good looking person, I just didn't want to make all the nurses jealous today. Yup that is three pounds of angel in that tummy.


Fenilalanina said...

Hahaha this post made me laugh a lot i didn't know babies could do that .. know i'm a bit freaked out too!! but I'm so excited for you guys!! can't wait to meet baby Chuck!!! <3

Fenilalanina said...

and you look great!!!!!
Where did you get the bedding? like the hippo with his name on? that is so cute!! <3