24 May 2010

2 Month Check Up

Chuck had his two month visit today! What a big boy! He weighed in at 11 lbs 11oz. They also said he was one foot and 10.5 inches tall. ( I know.... 22.5 inches) That means he has really grown about 3 inches. This all makes me wonder how big he would have been if he had come on his due date. He did a wonderful job at the doctor. He whimpered when he got the shots but other than that he just simply laid on the table. I guess he is not scared of the doctor like his mama. He must take after Dr., a doctor in training. Marmee and Dr. took little man and had a nice visit with the doctor. She said he looked absolutely perfect. We are doing everything right! Chuck gets so much attention when we go out. Everyone seems to think he is a beautiful baby and many think he is a girl. He has eyelashes that are about an inch long ( ok, a little bit of an exaggeration!)

Since he has been home he has slept and nursed. Not fussy and not feverish ( and cross your fingers we don't get a fever!) He has got the cutest little bandaids with Snoopy skateboarding on his chunky thighs. He even let his grandmother and daddy go out to eat after the appointment while he took a quick cat nap.

Chuck chillin' out and waiting for the doctor.

Daddy and Chuck having a little man to man talk about what doctors are. Look at those chubby little lint traps that we call underarms!

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