26 July 2010

4 Months Old!!!

Our little cutie patootie turned four months on Saturday! I can't believe we have been a family of three that long. I also can't believe I haven't slept in four months! Today we had our 4 month check up and shots. When we went at 2 weeks, we were in the 10th percentile at 7.1 pounds. Today, at 4 months we were in the 90th percentile at 17 1/2 pounds!!!! We are also in the 90th% with our head ( at least our head matched our body!) and our height comes in at the 50th% at 2 feet and 3/4 inches. He did awesome! He squirmed a little bit but the bugs bunny bandaids took care of any pain!

We were given permission to start cereal and baby food at our discretion. She said that babies will be very interested in what you are eating and that is when you know to start giving them some of their own food. Makes since why Chuck couldn't take his eyes off of Dr.'s juicy hamburger the other night.

Chuck could not stop laughing and smiling at the doctor. I think he is turning into a real flirt! He did have a little fluid behind his ears that we have to watch. She said she doesn't expect it to turn into an infection and that she expected it since I said he had been sick.

Mommy's bags under her eyes have gotten a little bit smaller!

Um hello! You notice all the hair we have coming in!!

Our widows peak that we got from daddy is rounding out a little bit. I guess we have a widow's scallop now. I think Chuckman also got his pouty lip from daddy.

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