28 September 2010

6 month visit

Chuck went to the doctor yesterday. He weighs 21 pounds! Yikes! The doctor said she was so proud of the weight he has put on because he was so small the first time she saw him. He has officially tripled his weight and she said that usually happens by one year..... granted he was a pound or so smaller than most babies. She said he looks very healthy and doesn't look fat at all! I am sure the weight gain will slow down now that we are rolling over and starting to move. She also said it is extremely hard to over feed an infant so that settled my thoughts that he was taking too much formula. He does le t you know when he doesn't want something.

When we were at the doctor's office, it was little man's nap time. I had to lay him down on the scale for weight, on the table for length, and back down for the doctor to check him out and for him to get him shots. All he wanted to do was take a nap and every time I laid him down he thought he was going to have to take a nap right there. He was not happy about it! He had the bottom lip stuck out the entire visit and kept sniffing that little nose. So precious.

He has been doing great since his shots. Woke up an extra time last night. He also woke up at 4 o'clock this morning. I was waiting for a constant cry before I went into his room. Well, that never happened. As of now, he has been making noises or talking to himself for an hour. I think he just fell back to sleep. At least the little man knows how to get himself back to sleep! I just wish he would sleep when I sleep and talk to himself after I get up. Doesn't do much good to leave him in his bed if we have to lay there and listen to him babbling the whole time!

Dr. has three more days of toxicology call. On Friday, he starts Peds ICU which is a very hard and sad rotation. He will only have 4 days off in the month of October. Dr. has been sick all night. He must have some kind of virus. He has been throwing up all night and has a fever. I am just going to keep Chuckers far away from that!! The last thing we need is everyone in the house throwing up with a virus!

Our family went from the normal 5 down to 4 yesterday when the wind blew the back door open. Samer is scared to go outside but Molly waits by the door trying to get out. Well, she finally did it yesterday. Usually, I would freak out and go chasing her around the yard. Yesterday, I let her wander. I just crossed my fingers that the whole stuck in a tree incident wouldn't happen again. She had an amazing time. Chuck and I sat outside with her for a little while and when she was done, she just came and sat by the back door. I have a feeling she is going to be by that back door a lot more! We will see if she is allowed an outing today.

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