21 October 2010

A little video action

I have been putting Chuck down for a nap after daycare and I wake him up at about 6pm. That means we have been getting some play time after the nap until about 7:30. I have then been waking him up around 10 because I know he can make it 8 hours without eating. So I got a full 6 hour night sleep last night. He is officially sleeping through the night from 10-6. I doubt he will ever be able to sleep through the night starting at an earlier time. So as long as I feed him before I go to bed. More playtime and a nap will hopefully mean better sleep for him at night. I always feel like he is too exhausted since he doesn't take naps.

Chuck loves to splash in the tub and probably would all night if I let him. Tonight he took his first bubble bath with his daddy and had a grand ol' time. He got to sit in the tub like a big boy and not in his little chair. He got to eat a few bubbles and get the floor all wet. He had so much fun.

The one thing he would do for the rest of his life is pet the kitty. We call the cats.... "kitty cats" and really pronounce the "k". When I say "kitty cat", he will start looking around frantically looking for the kitties. This video is not too great but if you ware ever wondering what Chuck could be doing, he is probably looking for a cat or petting one.

Chuck is more open to spending time on his tummy. He always wants to get off laps almost like he wants to go walk around. He obviously can't get up on his knees and crawl but he is starting to move and push a little. What a smart little boy.

Dr. will be on call all weekend but maybe Chuckmiester and I can get some good photos or videos.

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