22 November 2010

New Ways and New Days

Just a heads up. There is a new way I am posting videos to the blog ( because some are too big to transfer over). I am now posting them using youtube ( our name on youtube is TheWeb18blog). After watching a video on out blog, it will pop up with the next video. However, the next video will not be ours. If you want to see our videos again, just hit replay. Do NOT hit "Up Next" because it will play someone else's video for you. Just wanted to let you know that things were changing on the blog just a wee bit

Today, Chuck went to daycare and this mamacita had the day off! I ran all my errands that had been piling up since my last kid free day.... before school started! I got a lot accomplished, started Christmas shopping, cleaners, got some food frozen in the freezer, dropped off Chuck's stocking to be monogrammed ( he has one to match his mommy and daddy's!), took Samer to get his shots, and even got a 30 minute nap. Still got lots to do tomorrow! It will be Molly's turn to get her shots, need to rake pinestraw for our flower beds, and finish decorating the Christmas tree ( if I don't put it up now, it won't go up).

Dr. has been hard at work. He is right in the middle of his 6 night stretch. We will go to Texarkana for two nights and then he will continue with another 6 night stretch... poor guy. It is only night four and he is exhausted.

So obviously, Chuck has learned how to army crawl. He has found mama's belly button and likes to look very closely at it. After much investigation of mom's, he went ahead and discovered his own. What a smart little guy. I wonder if it was an accident that he found his or he somehow thought that maybe he had one too..... hmmm.

The three of us are still battling colds that we have had for 2 weeks. I thought it was going away and then all of us relapsed a few days ago. Not sure how long we are gonna have to suffer through this one. Right now my throat is killer. Dr. is having sinus trouble and Mr. Destructo ( Chuck's new name) can't kick the constant runny nose.

Well, I think that is it for now. I need to go get some school work done before I hit the sack. Nothing wrong with getting ahead a little bit so I won't be crazy stressed when I go back. I have my observation when I go back to school. THe principal was a no show for the last one and had to reschedule. Kind of stinks since I pulled out all my tricks for that one. Guess I need to come up with some more tricks.

Later taters!

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