05 June 2011

Day Two

It was way too hot yesterday so we decided to get out early. Of course Chuck wakes up at 6 do we were out the door at 7 and ordering beignets at 8. Chuck rode in the stroller all the way there.

Daddy and Chuck wait at Cafe Du Monde

After breakfast, it was so hot we headed back to the hotel. Chuck walked all the way back ( about a mile) from Cafe Du Monde to The Westin. We were going to swim but check out time was two hours away so we forced Chuck to nap. He woke up about 15 minutes before we had to check out.

It was starting to rain so we went ahead to the aquarium. We were worried about Chuck getting hungry but I had some yogurt and fruit in his bag. Turns out that halfway thru the aquarium is a dinky food court. We were able to sit down and order Chuck a turkey sandwich.

Chuck loved the aquarium. We let him walk the whole time and he thought it was so funny. He screamed several times and for the most part ran around with his hands above his head. We saw albino alligators, spotted stingrays, penguins, and otters. We also climbed on fish and clams.

Before we left we made sure to spot a street car.

Then we drove around the French Quarter and St. Charles before heading out. We made it to Baton Rouge around 4, unpacked the car and headed to dinner at The Chimes.

Dinner didn't last too long because Chuck went nuts. Not a meltdown just hyped up on travel energy or something. We put it all in a to go box and brought it back to the hotel.

Speaking of hotel.... I really spent a long time finding good hotels that would really be good and help us get a feel for the city's. The Westin is much recommended. We are now at the Raddisson. The Raddisson is painted bright orange.

Yep, bright orange. What they have one here is update an old hotel with hardwood floors and fancy showers. So far we have no complaints. Everything is great. Our taste in color skeems is a little different than those who were paid to remodel this hotel. I will have to write another blog about that.

Anyways, Chuck is having the rime of his life. We bought two new toys for Chuck to bring and to pull out when complete boredom had set in. The child doesn't even need toys. He thinks he has hit the jackpot just being in a hotel room. I have never seen this kid laugh so much. Here is a pic of Dr. and the Chuckman playing in the hall.

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