01 October 2011

Animals Galore

It is just plain beautiful here. Chuck usually gets to go outside around 7:30 or 8 everyday so if we haven't left the house at that point, attitudes start flaring ( mine and his). So Chuck and I packed up and went to the zoo today. Does this child look like he wants to go to the zoo?
I think he would rather go to the circus but we went anyway. I was kind of regretting it on the way there because of the face in the picture. I thought "oh no, boy have I got it comin' " We are members but I have never taken him by myself. I know he wants to run some and you can't push a stroller with one hand, it is just so hard. I decided I would brave it and take him with the wagon. I thought if he wants to run, I can easily pull the wagon with one hand or just leave it. I took a bag that goes across the body/shoulders so I could just up and leave the wagon if needed. I have extremem anxiety about taking him places by myself because I know he is going to throw a fit at some point and I feel like people are looking at me like I beat him or something. When really it is the other way around, he beats me.... he is a big hitter.

He sat in the wagon about 50 percent of the time and held my had about 25% of the time and ran the other 25%. It wasn't too bad. He wasn't running away form me like he usually does. His favorite this time were the giraffes and the orangutans. We watched them eat their breakfast. Chuck just kept yelling "hey" to them and them blowing raspberries. I thought for sure they were going to do it back at him. He was really fascinated. That took up a good 15 minutes just watching them eat. We also rode the carousel ( we have to ride on the bench because we cry if we have to sit on an animal... even if the animal is not one that goes up and down). We also rode the train that goes around the big lake there. He was actually very calm and sat in the seat by himself on both rides without trying to climb out.

So our outing was a success.... except for the one instance where he laid in the middle of the walkway and wouldn't get up. Luckily we were the first ones there by a good 30 minutes.

This afternoon when we wake up form our nap we are suppossed to meet our friend Greer at the playground. Greer is two months younger but we haven't even gotten to play with him yet. I think Greer may be a little more subdued than we are. We are going to stop and buy some bubbles on the way since we like to wake up at 2 am and ask if we can blow bubbles.

Chuck watching the giraffes.

Chuck watching the chimpanzees.

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