19 November 2011

More videos

More videos of absolutely nothing... seriuosly. If you are in a hurry or have things to do, don't waste your time. ( Also, if you are getting this as an email and you can not view the videos, go straight to the blog at http://theweb18.blogspot.com to see the videos and older posts.)

Chuck just couldn't hold off for nap time today. He climbed up on the sofa and tried to watch a movie but we was out pretty quick.

He is also starting to play by himself!!! Yeah! Lately, he has wanted to get up on the bed and play behind the pillows. Today, I went to put some laundry in and came back to see him rearranging all his animals over and over.

And we tried out the trampoline today (against all wishes from daddy) that is across the street. Nellie just kind of chilled but you would have thought we gave Chuck some espresso! Good thing there were pads and a cage!

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