07 June 2012


I haven't really been stressed about the whole "move".  I have been more stressed about selling this house, keeping it clean while still letting the crazy two year old enjoy his little two year old self, packing up my classroom, etc.  The whole moving to a different city in a new house hasn't hit me yet.  I think I am OK with it all because the moving company is actually going to pack us up, move us, and unpack us.  I am supposed to stay out of the way, which sounds wonderful.

We passed the "reinspection" so it looks like things are progressing with the sale of the house.  It has been so wonderful not to worry about it anymore!  My biggest stressor this week was finding a washer/dryer and fridge that could be delivered in two weeks.  Did you know for some of the fridges I was going to have to wait until mid July?  - ya, I don't think so.  Today my mission is to clean out the junk drawers ( yes - that is plural).  We might be the people with the most junk drawers.  We each have one in our bedside table.  Chuck has one in his bedside table.  We have two in the kitchen and two in the den.  Although we have so many junk drawers we know exactly what is in each one.  I feel stupid having movers pack up and unpack my junk drawer.  I guess it is kind of like cleaning up your house before the maid comes.  Just seems like the right thing to do.

Can you believe that in a week and two days Dr. graduates and will be totally finished with school! ( Let's hope he doesn't ever decide to change his specialty and go back for a different residency).  He will be the real deal.  

In exactly two weeks from today, the moving truck will pull up in front of the house and it will be on!  Bring it.  

Yesterday we visited the doctor.  Little Bit is 3cm long.  If you looked at my stomach you would think Little Bit would be more like 3 feet long.  The heart rate was up at 170 and boy was Little Bit moving!  Dr. seems to think that our surprise is a boy by the way the tech reacted in the ultrasound room.  I keep going back and forth.  You can place you bets now on the gender.  Our next appointment will be with our Tyler doctor on July 11th.  Dr. starts work on July 12th!

Also, since this baby is due January 2nd. You better believe it is going to arrive before the tax season ends so Christmas is at my house this year but don't expect food unless you want to cook it. 

Over and Out

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