20 June 2012

The time has come!

Our AC is still out.  It finally got too hot to stay in the house so we stayed in a hotel last night.  We invited Nellie and her family over to swim.  The last time Chuck was in a swimming pool was when we was 4 months old.  We didn't know how he was going to react.  At first, he wouldn't get in.  Finally he decided to get in with Miss Amy ( Nellie's mommy). After that, it was all over.  Chuck had no fear.  He would just run and jump into the pool whether or not we were there.  He would just run around the pool and randomly jump.  Way to make a mama nervous!  One of my goals today is to find swimming lessons because this kid is going to jump in a pool without warning every time he sees one.  I am so thankful we didn't buy a house with a pool.  We would be in so much trouble.  Also on our to do list is a life jacket or floaties.  It is not cool trying to chase a two year old around the pool not knowing when he is going to decide to jump.  We got him a puddle jumper but he doesn't really like it.

Today is our last real day in Jackson.  The moving truck shows up tomorrow!  This whole move hit  me for the first time about 30 minutes ago and I am kind of in a state of "oh shit".  I feel like I need to do a lot of stuff but time has pretty much run out.  I am taking Subway platters to Chuck's school today for all his teachers and then I get the lucky task of taking the cats to get shots and sedatives for the trip to TX.  I am praying that the cats are around Friday morning when I have to load them up in the car.  I can see it now.  Sitting around for a few days trying to find the cats!  Geez.

1 comment:

Akisha said...

Round up those kitties and lock them inside before you go. That way, you won't have to search. Thankfully, Lucy never missed the opportunity for food so we didn't worry if she would be outside on moving day :)