04 August 2012


Daddy is working in Sulphur Srings the next five nights. It's only an hour away but since he needs to sleep and Chuck (who is pretty loud) is here, daddy will just stay in a hotel (paid for by the hospital). Working in Sulphur Springs will actually raise his income so we figure with Chuck in school, me not working, and the baby still almost 5 months away, there is no reason for him to not work there.

So to keep ourselves sane, Chuck and I hit the awesome Tyler zoo before the heat got bad. We got there when it opened at 9 and left at 11:30. We only saw about 2/3 of the zoo but have a membership so can drop in real quick anytime we want. On our membership, Chuck is free (because he is 2) and I can bring a guest, so if daddy wants to go he can or if someone wants to visit (hint hint) they can get in free!

We watched all the animals come out and eat their breakfast. Chuck says his favorite animal is the zebra but I just don't buy it. I'm always excited about the giraffes!

The greatest part of the zoois going in the bird house. There are parakeets and cockatiels everywhere. You can buy a feed stick to feed them. I thought Chuck would be too scared but I almost couldn't get him out of there!

The Tyler zoo is so neat and there are trees hanging over the paths do there is a lot of shade. Also there are benches everywhere so Chick and I took our time and sat on the benches to drink water and just look at the animals. They have a great area to sit and eat and it overlooks the giraffes, elephants, zebras, impalas, and warthogs!

I never know how nap time is going to go but with some fighting, Chuch finally gave in! After nap time we folded laundry and read books! A pretty great day around here. Now I just have to figure out what we are doing tomorrow!

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