19 May 2013


For some reason I always forget that it is only Saturday and totally overdue it. Then saturday night rolls around and I realize I have one more day left to fill with entertainment. I was pooped last night. I'm pretty sure the 96 degrees weather helped with that.

I do feel that I HAVE to have at least one activity/outing each day for the big brother. I kind of started feeling sorry for little brother always hanging in the sling and being pulled all different places and never getting a consistent nap but I think he loves his big brother and always seems to be ok with everything.

This morning the boys and I braved Sams because we were completely out of baby formula. We made it in and out quick and the only damage was to the pocketbook.

We came home had some lunch and the went to The Discovery Science Center. It is run by Junior League and more like a place for imaginative play. I told Chuck where we were going and he said "I love the museum, mom." Last time I took him I told him we could go back anytime, he just needed to tell me. When we left we got about a mile away and he said "Mom, I want to go to the museum." Ha! It's an ok place. He finds it really entertaining. I'm just glad to have somewhere cool to go!

Chuck as a chrysalis.

Baby in stroller before having to be placed in the sling.

Chuck grocery shopping.

Chuck cooking in the restaurant.

Chuck as a news anchor.

And this is a wall. Actually, Chuck's favorite part of the day. He just loved this wall. I asked him why it was so special. (Of course I was confused.). "Mom, it's humpty dumpty's wall! I love it, mom." So stinking' precious. Could you find something more innocent?

This is super baby. Apparently the bouncy chair is out since we are using it as a real chair. Smith can roll over in about 2 milliseconds now. That is not good for the sleeping! He immediately rolls over when laid down and then yells about the tummy time. I just have to leave him like that because he will just flip back over. He is still sleeping through the night on his tummy (after he pitches a fit). He is also grabbing everything. I was getting something out of the fridge the other day (and of course was holding him and I turn around and he had a small squeeze bottle of relish in his hand.

I did run into some friends at the museum. Their little girl is in Chuck's class. Whenever anybody sees me I always have a baby strapped on to the front of me. Today she said "girl, you're going to have to have back surgery when your older." No freakin' joke. Good thing I don't really sit down since I usually can't get up and stiffen up real quick. I moan when I flip over in bed at night because my back is almost paralyzed from lying still.

Reality Check:

While we are doing all this fun (exhausting) stuff, this is what my house looks like

Clean laundry that hasn't been folded in four days. (At least I'm keeping up with the washing?.... Maybe).

This is the folded clean clothes that I can't find the time to put up. When I do have time, there is someone sleeping in every room that I need to get into. Eventually it just gets worn again before it gets into a drawer. (At least I have a table cloth on it?....maybe)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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