18 June 2013

My Boys

Phew!  We are back from our week and a half "vacation"!  The boys and I went to Alabama while Dr. worked.  At every turn we could have hit disaster but we made it without any hiccups.  I think the whole time I was holding on for dear life just waiting for something to happen.... whether it was a baby not sleeping, a toddler getting car sick, a toddler being unruly, a grumpy baby.  Nope, we made it out unscathed!  More to come about our trip later.

We are working on getting back on our routine.  I think Chuck was excited to get back to school.   I am not going to lie.  Monday morning was like Christmas to me!  I had been with both boys 24/7 for the past 10 days.  I had not had a moment of silence.  Chuck and I shared a bed and let Smith sleep in a room by himself so I had a constant play by play from a 3 year old every waking minute.

Here are some pictures of the boys:

Chuck at 6 months:

Smith at 5 months:

Can you tell which ones going to be the one that keeps me on my toes?

"Love sleeps in my bed. Curiosity eats at my table. Delight runs laps around my back yard."

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