12 September 2013

Standing up

This is what has been going on at our house.

He's not very good at crawling but all he wants to do is pull up on stuff. He is starting to walk along surfaces like the length of the couch. You do have to guard him constantly because he does topple pretty hard. We've already bonked our head once.

Speaking of bonking heads. I finally got the call from school that Chuck got hurt. I have actually prepared myself pretty well for the first broken arm. Thank goodness (?) today it was just his face. He was inning the climbing wall and his foot slipped and he busted his nose and lip. That's what they said when they called however they also said "we are checking his teeth now." I figured that was their way of easing into "your child's teeth fell out". I was totally e pecking a toothless redneck three year old when I got there! The teachers were a little jittery because there was so much blood. His arms and hands were covered. They thought he broke his nose and list a few teeth.

Smith and I rushed up there. He was fine and even eventually got in a playful mood. He wanted to stay at school so Smith and I walked him to class and sat with him while he ate lunch. He really enjoyed that!

So our days are full of head bonks around here.

Saw this article today:
Mamas get nothing done

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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