01 April 2014

Spring Break

I'm so far behind so in going to try and catch up. Seems we have been going nonstop these past three weeks.

Spring break ended up being good. Everybody kept it together all week. If I remember correctly the Sunday that Spring Break was over, everything fell apart but by then I had made it 10 days with the boys.

One morning Dr. did have time to take Chuck to a fishing 3event. The parks and recreation releases 3000 fish into a pond and let's children fish for free. This species if fish dies when the water gets to a certain temp and it's a good way to get kids outdoors. Unfortunately, they didn't catch anything. This was the text I got from Dr. "1 hr of fishing.  20 hrs w/o sleep. Chuck says I have no friends. Only fish we got was given to us. U tell me. We had fun though."

Chuck insisted on keeping the fish so I put it in a bag in the freezer. I told him he could look at it anytime he wanted. I forgot to tell him not to take it out if the bag!.

We also got in some walks some of the days and made it to the gym a few mornings.

I took Chuck to his first movie theatre experience! He told me we needed to do it right and get coke and popcorn.

The end of the week we headed to Dallas to hang with our cousins and Marmee and Poppy.

We went to a butterfly garden, an aquarium, and even got to have a play date with our friend Mary Doran before we headed back home.

I think by the end of the week we were exhausted. Smith doesn't do well sleeping when we are traveling so Chuck and I only slept about 3 hours in Dallas and then Sunday, Smith was teething and just a trying day for us all.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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