13 July 2008

new friends

so as of tuesday we will have lived in jackson for 2 months.  we have been working hard on the house and in the yard so it would be "liveable" by the time dr. started work.  now that he is working 78 hours a week there is little time for him to do anything around the house.  since we have been here, we have gone out a couple of times with others from the emergency medicine department.  i was so excited to finally meet so people (girls) and make new friends.  the first time we went out, we went to what turns out to be a very popular bar.  we some how ended up at a table with about 15 law students and three guys from dr.'s department and mimi from nuerology.  mimi was great and so much fun.... except she is a doctor.  so if i will never see my husband than i am never going to see her.  sweet but will never see her.  then we went to a get together for all the people in dr.'s "class".  i was so excited to meet the wives because their husbands would be living at the hospital too and they wouldn't know anyone in jackson either.  unfortunately, it turns out that dr.'s whole "class" is girls.  it's me, the one wife, and then all the husbands.

so on the friend front i was not doing too well.  then we went out to a party on the fourth of july.  it was for the class above dr.'s but there were actually other females there.  well, two, and one was a doctor.  but it turns out the other wife at the party actually went to sewanee.  she was a year younger than i was.  we didn't know each other  but are so thankful we actually have met another person here.  (my next door neighbor said meeting people in jackson, ms is extremely hard).

so now that we have friends, we went out to dinner last night with two couples (one went to med school with dr. and the other is the girl from sewanee).  we went to a delicious restaurant called biaggi's.  it was wonderful italian food.  i had some ravioli dish and dr. had a sausage rigatoni dish.

so yummy! 

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