18 July 2008

sunflower pumpkins

last weekend when we were working on the garden, we made a trip to home depot because we needed some dirt and grass seed.   while we were there, we decided to look at the different seed packets that they had.  well just like with tomato plants, we are a little late with the whole planting process.  the only seeds we could find were on clearance so we pretty much just had to take whatever they had.  some of the seeds we ended up with were sunflower and pumpkin seeds.  

i felt like there was no way we could get sunflowers to grow this late in the "season".  we planted them in some extra pots we had to go ahead and get them to start growing.  we also did this with the pumpkin seeds.  while planting the pumpkin seeds, i just happened to read the package.  the pumpkins are "prize pumpkin" size.  they are expected to grow one hundred pounds and be seventy inches or more.  we might win the county fair!

the seeds were planted last saturday.  we took pictures so we could see the progress of our little sunflowers and pumpkins.  when i got home form mobile today, i took a peek at them to see if they had grown any.  to my surprise they had.  as of two days ago, there were no spouts and today we had about 8 pumpkin plants growing and about  5 sunflowers.  someone must have a green thumb.

pictures are from day 1 and day 6.  today the sprouts got transplanted in the garden.

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