04 May 2009

step 3

as I type, dr. is at sylvan learning center taking his boards!  he was quite nervous this morning.  he started at 9 and it will take 8 hours.  he will then go back tomorrow for another 8 hour sitting.  he has been studying up a storm so i hope his nerves don't get the best of him. 

not too long ago, dr. took his inservice exam which everyone across the country has to take and got his scores back.  at first he was a little upset about it but after talking to others, he realized he actually did ok!  so proud of him.

i am enjoying a personal day at home today.  i took the day off so i could clean and make sure dr. had a good meal tonight.  he has the rest of the week off so i wanted to make sure he could just relax this week.

our veggies are growing... still slow but they ARE growing.  it looks like we will most likely get beans, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon and peppers out of our garden this year. the rest of our yard is looking great.  maybe the best on the street (besides the mansion house... how can you compete with people that have a gardener who trims their grass with scissors... seriously).  we have gotten compliments on how green our grass is.  neighbors have said they have never seen anyone in the backyard and have never seen it with that much grass in it!  yeah for hard work!

molly continues her days in heat.  hopefully while i am off this summer we can get her spayed "again" and I will be able to be her nurse.

we are still having fun with baseball games, cookouts, girls night outs and diners with friends.  the new residents are just now getting here so we are meeting even more people.  the wives alliance has their end of the year party this saturday night so that will be fun because all the husbands are invited. 

well 14 days more with kids for me and then it's SUMMA TIME~

1 comment:

Amy S. Norris said...

seriously, the guy cuts the grass with scissors???? that is nutso!