25 October 2009

Saving the World One Cat at a Time

As you have heard me say before, I have never known of a cat that prefers a dog bed. Molly has been sleeping with us for a while now so we got rid of her doggie bed ( not to mention she had grown out of it). It turns out that when Samer came aboard, we got him a doggie bed since he was spending the night in the bathroom. We wanted to make sure the little bub wasn't freezing at night. Samer has now matured enough to have the run of the sun room and kitchen at night and Molly actually likes to spend the night in there too. Well, it turns out that Molly had not gotten over the loss of her doggie bed and we soon found out that she was stealing Samer's bed. Unfortunately she couldn't fit in it very good!

Molly has probably tripled in size since her surgery. It has come to a point where I can no longer pick her up anymore because it strains my muscles to much and makes me out of breath. Molly did decide to take over Samer's bed. You know when an adult tries to sit in a kiddie chair and when you get up, the chair goes with you. Same thing has happened to Molly. As much as she loves Samer's bed, when she tries to get up, the bed stays on her hips for a little bit. You can tell in the picture above that she has squeezed herself into his bed.

So today I decided to make peace with the fight over the bed and went and bought Molly a new bed. The cashier asked me what type of dog I had...... um, i just have a really big cat...... So all is well in the Weber household. Peace has been made and we are ready for winter! Samer got his bed back and Molly got one that fits her better.
Wow Samer is about 4 times the size he was when we got him! He even has his own collar and name tag!

PS.... they should not let pregnant women look at the kitties in the glass cases at Pet Smart. I almost adopted a cat today. Black and white that had been at the shelter for a year and it said that she has recently grown depressed and won't even leave her bed for recess. How sad is that! I went and sat in my car and cried for about 10 minutes before I looked decent enough to go into Target.

PSS.... If anybody wants the cat I can go get her for you. She is about 20 pounds and just so sweet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I almost shed a tear reading that you shed some tears. Seriously.