25 June 2010


I have this really strong feeling of guilt about it all..... I am talking about daycare. We visited daycare on Wednesday to turn in Chuck's shot records so we would be one step closer to guaranteeing little man a spot. A spot just opened up but we have to take it within two weeks for it to be ours. So.... Chuckster will be "starting" daycare on July 5th. I put that in quotes because that is when we will start paying but I may not actually get up the nerve to drop him off for a few days. We can use daycare as much or as little as possible so for the remainder of the summer, I will just take him a couple of hours a day so I can run my errands in peace and go work out. I will add on hours as the weeks pass so that when I start school we will all be adjusted. ( him probably more than me)

We met Chuck's teachers, Ms. Laura and Ms. Kesha. They are too sweet. I was worried about napping schedules and that he wouldn't get enough snuggle time but they assured me that they would cater to his every need and he could nap in the swing and cuddle before a nap if he wanted. The paperwork I am filling out asks me things like "How does he liked to be burped?" "Does he like to be patted anywhere?" .... this can get very in depth.... Jeez la weez, I could write a book on every little crazy thing Chuck likes or doesn't like.

I mean what do I write...I can get specific...."When Chuck is tired, he likes to fall asleep on our shoulder. He will not fall asleep laying down in your arms. He likes constant movement, either rocking or swaying standing up. He loves to be patted on his bottom. Not too hard. Also not to fast or it keeps him a wake. He likes the speed of the patting to be somewhat similar to the rhythm of Yankee Doodle. He doesn't like the song Yankee Doodle though. His favorite songs are "We Are The World", "Lean On Me", and "I Saw Mama Kissing Santa Claus." He also loves the sound of running water so will fall asleep to that sometimes."

I am officially a crazy mama. I think my child (as a 3 month old) will secretly be heart broken inside because he thinks I don't love him because I am dropping him off at daycare. Ugh. I am a huge supporter of daycare but it just breaks my heart when I look into his precious little eyes ( those eyes get me every time, where did he get them from?) and think that I have to leave him with someone else..... even though I could SO use a nap in a quiet house!

Ahhhh, he's growing up. What to do....

Anyone can visit our blog at http://theweb18.blogspot.com

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