22 July 2010

Chillin' at home

Well, Chuckers came down with a fever yesterday (Wednesday). At first he was 100.5 and Tylenol brought it back down to normal. Then it got to 101.5. So he had some more Tylenol and went to bed at 10. He slept from 10 to 5:30. The one night he sleeps through the night and I am ....... A. sleeping in his room with him and B. checking to make sure he was breathing through his stuffed up nose every 2 minutes. I did actually get 6 hours of sleep. Better than my usual 3.

I am now glad I kept him home Tuesday because I guess he really was sick. So today I thought he was going to be better. He woke up with no temperature and I got some laughs and smiles this morning which was nice because yesterday I wasn't getting anything. Today he got a fever around 2 at 100.5. I gave him some Tylenol. From about 4 until about 7:30 he cried. He would fall asleep for about 5 minutes then wake back up and cry. I finally woke Dr. up when I was about to run out in front of traffic ( only the second time I have felt like doing that which I think is good.)

I decided that his stomach was hurting him since he had not had a dirty diaper since Tuesday. So we followed with a suppository, then a bath, and now the Chuckman is sound asleep and mom is once again sane.

There you have it, a day in the life of the Mississippi Weber's. I think I was 2 pounds down on Monday but haven't been able to work out or walk all week so I am sure I gained 5 back. My knee is hurting even more and I haven't even done anything. I think it would be a good idea if I just started this week over or fast forward to next week. Ahhhhhhh.

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