20 July 2010

Icky Sicky

First off, here is a picture of a little romper I got for Chuckers. Perfect for daycare. There is a girl in Jackson that makes a lot of monogrammed stuff ( for those on facebook it is "initially yours monogramming").

Second, I think our little guy is going to get confused about his name. I think one of his teachers has a speech impediment and calls him "TUCK".... which is adorable too! She loves him so much and runs to the door when we walk in so she can hold him. She gives him kisses and cuddles. I love it! When people talk to Chuck he does a half smile if he doesn't recognize them. If he knows you, he will give you a big grin. When he sees her or she talks to him, he just smiles. I want those smiles all for me but I couldn't ask for more out of his teachers. I have been taking him from 9:30 to 4 everyday. I just can't bear to start taking him at 6:45 yet.

Third, Chuckman is too big for the plastic baby bathtub. Maybe not too big, but too determined. He wants to get out of it, bad. I am afraid he is going to flip himself out even when i am holding onto him. The next bathtub gadget we have is for when he can sit on his own. So we have resorted to the kitchen sink. Just perfect for my little Buddha.

Chuck can sit up but needs help with his balance

How freaking adorable is this!

Fourth, Chuckaroo has his first cold. He does not have a runny nose but is mega congested and it is making him gag. The drainage down the back of his throat is not his friend. He does not have a fever and his diapers are still good ( if ya know what i mean). I kept him home from daycare because I didn't want him to have to deal with this drainage by himself. We have been sucking the gunk out and putting saline drops up his nose to help him out. We don't want to resort to medicine yet. I was sick about two weeks ago and then Dr. got sick ( and now has a sinus infection) and now little man has it. Poor guys. Our house is falling apart. I am glad we are getting the first cold out of the way before I start school in two and a half weeks. NOOOOOO. Dr. is still on nights for the rest of the month and I got the big 3 hours of sleep in the last 36 hours. I am becoming a pro at this whole no sleep thing.

What I am not becoming a pro at is this whole working out thing. I have been going but now I have tendinitis in my knee and could barely walk last night. I am going to have to nix the treadmill for a WHILE and just stick to the bike and elliptical. I still have been going walking at the mall so Chuck will stick with the routine of getting up and going in the morning. I am having this weird urge to do the Susan Komen 3-day walk again. For those of you who don't know, I did the Susan Komen 3-day back in 2004 or 2005 ( can't remember..... have washed the pain from my mind) in Kansas City. It is a 3 day walk raising money for breast cancer and you walk a total of 60 miles. It takes about 9 hours each day to walk 20 miles and then at night you sleep in tents. They have 18 wheelers where the trailers are bathrooms. It was a neat experience. Probably the hardest thing I have ever done ( yes, it surpasses pregnancy and childbirth... for me at least). It was also the most rewarding thing I had ever done. I walked every single mile. It really tests your inner strength. The neatest part was walking next to all the survivors. You start off with the team you signed up with but eventually you end up walking with people that walk the same pace as you. You meet so many people and hear so many great stories. The 3-day happens in about 12 cities every year ( A great way to see a city). It is starting the year off in Boston this year. I will have too look at the schedule for 2011.

Anywhoo, gotta go cook some brocoli. Adios for now.

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