14 July 2010


Both of us.

Daycare just wears Chuck out. I am not sure if he trusts taking a nap at daycare yet. The second I put him in his car seat he is asleep. He has been asleep since he got in the car. That means he has skipped eating, skipped bath time, skipped diaper changes. He must be so tired from listening to all the other babies and watching the crawl around. He has been asleep for about 7 hours now. We will see what the rest of the night has in store. I know once I go to sleep he will begin his ritual of waking up three times a night.

Dr. has a cold and fever ( probably the one I had last week) so I had to mow the yard today. Our house looked like it had been foreclosed on and I was scared the neighbors were going to vote us off of the street. It looked like no one lived in our house. So I took my big self out there and mowed the yard and used the weed eater for the big hill. It was actually tons of fun ( i did it without the bag so it was not hard to push). It really did something for my OCD.... maybe the designs I can make in the grass, or seeing the grass get shorter and shorter. Not to mention, it was great exercise too. I do have to say that I hate the weed eating part, and have always been scared of the weed eater. Besides grass flying in my face and all over me, it was really heavy. I will take responsibility for all the divots on the side of our hill. I just couldn't control that dang thing. Anyways, I am proud of myself. No lost toes, pant legs, or (unfortunately) love handles. So I am beat, going to veg in bed since my baby won't wake up and spend time snuggling with me.

Came across this quote and liked it:

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says... 'Oh shit...she's awake!!'

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