30 December 2010

Grocery Shopping

So here was my problem. Every time I would make a trip to the store, I would ask Dr. what he needed.... if there was anything special I could get him. Our conversation would go like this:

-Me : "I am going to go to the store. Is there anything you need or want?"

-Dr.: " No, not really, just some food."

Ok, seriously? You want me to get food at the grocery store? Not 5 minutes after I got home, he would be in the kitchen looking for something to eat and he would say...

-Dr.: "We need some crackers and some juice."

Ugh, I could never win. So, I thought I was genius when I got this....

How easy would this be! Whenever Dr. was in the kitchen and thought of something he wanted, he could mark it off so I would know what he wanted whenever I went grocery shopping.

So, not ten minutes after I put this notepad on the fridge, I walk in the kitchen and see this....

Yep, the guy has checked off everything on the list except the vegetarian stuff and dog food. Might I add, that earlier that day I had already been to the store. Guess I still can't win! Ha, I am still laughing inside. He doesn't see anything funny about this.

I have been working on stocking the freezer with some food. Dr. will have a very easy next two weeks and will spend most of it at home so I knew I would be cooking dinner a lot. We now have three meals of spaghetti, some tater tot casserole, some king ranch chicken, some MK soup, hamburgers, roast, beef tips and some ham and potato chowder. Looks like I will have a good start to the second semester.

Christmas decorations are down but I could not get them back into the attic! We had just been sitting things at the top of the stairs so that now we couldn't get in the attic. I spent yesterday rearranging the attic so I could get all the decorations back in. After spending a few hours, I was so excited to get the living room clean. I went to put the Christmas tree in the box and it was stuck together. Ugh! All the straightening and I couldn't put anything up because the tree had to go in first! We finally got the tree apart. The tree is well aware of the fact that next year it will be out on the curb on December 26th. When we move, we are going real for a while.

Now, my friend got a baby food cookbook and has been making baby food. I have been trying to broaden Chuck's (vegetarian) diet. I want to get him eating more people food. ( They have to be able to walk, drink from sippy cup, and eat the daycare's finger food to go to the one year old room). So, now I am off to try and make some baby food. I am going to stick with some avocado, apples, bananas, and pumpkin for starters. I also got him some mini pasta and am going to try and give him some shredded cheese to try.

Chuck will be home tomorrow since the center is closed for New Years Eve. So hopefully it will be warm and storm free so we can go on a walk and play outside. Chuck is officially pulling up and standing in his crib. With officially pulling up, comes official accident reports from daycare. He will not sit still at daycare and is always trying to get into stuff. I knew the accident reports were coming. I guess we are just lucky we only get one every other day. I am going to have to get the child a helmet I am so paranoid about his head.

Alright, now for trying out some baby food making.

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