12 March 2011


Today was very uneventful. I have realized that if I want to do anything on the weekend then I have to pretend like it is the week and wake up at 5 to get ready before the crazy man wakes up at 6.

I don't want to jinx myself (and last night there was a little hiccup) but this mama is getting the normal amount of sleep now. I couldn't bring myself to let him cry it out because I was worried he would have some kind of post traumatic stress disorder. At night, Chuck would wake up and whine. It was easier for me to give him a bottle before he actually woke himself all the way up. If I didn't give him a bottle in the middle of the night, I would risk him whining so much he would wake himself up and then would not go to bed..... not a good scenario when you have to work the next day. So it was so much easier to just pop that bottle in his mouth and then get back to bed. One weekend night when Dr. was working (it is true, Dr. works lots of nights and practically every weekend) I decided I would let him whine and see how long it would take him to wake up and ask for the bottle a second time. He whined for about 1 minute and has been sleeping soundly since then. I am not sure why he woke up last night. I blame it on the paper guy but who knows.

Not only is the little guy sleeping 6am to 6pm with little heart break for baby or mama, he is also good at napping. He still only naps about 30 minutes at daycare. When he is at home, I still put him to bed after he rubs his eyes twice. That keeps us from having a meltdown. He usually goes down and cries about 1 minute and then is out. He has been napping three hours in the morning and about 1 hour in the afternoon. He must be catching up on lack of sleep during the week. Last weekend, he only took a 45 minute nap in the morning and again in the afternoon. That was very unexpected and rather sad for this mama. I enjoy getting some things done for the first couple of hours and then getting some z's during the last hour of the nap.

So we didn't do anything today. We did get out our new duplos from Aunt Kelly and Uncle Austin. Who knew that duplos were actually the loudest toy ever made. Chuck stuck his hand in the bucket and just swirled his hand around in the blocks..... forever! Hello ear plugs! After playing with the blocks for about ten minutes, he started to understand that they needed to be stacked and not long after that he realized he could pull them apart. The learning process that occurs on a daily basis amazes me. He learns things so fast!

Last weekend when Chuck and I went to Mobile, Bob Bob was trying to get Chuck to laugh by tearing paper. ( Have you seen that video of the baby laughing?) What Bob Bob didn't realize was that he was giving Chuck an in depth tutorial on how to rip paper. Now the magazines that Chuck used to flip through and play with are ripped in pieces! Oh Bob Bob! Make sure you bring your dust buster when you come! ;)

Chuck and Molly play with the duplos.

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