22 May 2011

Happy Baby

At daycare, some of the mom's of the four year olds, stick their head in every morning to say hi to the babies. They call Chuck "the happy baby". They come in and say "Is the happy baby here yet?" He is pretty good at flirting. Those dimples really drive the ladies crazy.

We had our street party tonight. Chuck thinks the whole walkng/trying to run thing is just way exciting. He ran around the whole time laughing hysterically. Everyone started talking about how he is the happiest baby they have ever seen. You see...... I am very good at predicting meltdowns and making sure they happen in the privacy of our own home! Apparently, it has worked so far.

The end of the alphabet was supposed to bring a meat or a vegetable to the picnic/potluck. All of my pulled pork places were closed since it was Sunday. I didn't know what I was going to do until I saw James "The Meat" in a parking lot. Boy oh boy, I got some of his ribs and they were oh, oh good. Dr. approves of James "The Meat" and will be going back. We also took a pizza with us.

Today, Chuck ate the tomato that he picked yesterday. I reckon it had a little acid/sour taste that Chuck was not expecting.

Whenever we walk past the front door, Chuck says "Bye bye, da da." Today, daddy left to go pick up the pizza and I think Chuck really wanted to go with him.

Looking back, our weekend was pretty good considering it was just the two of us. Usually I dread the weekends because it is just me and it is more exhausting then my actual job. I think Chuck and I both enjoyed the weekend and I pretty sure we made it through without a meltdown.

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