24 May 2011


Well, no new pictures for you tonight but I have a flashback for you. This was Chuck one year ago. How sweet is he?! and How fast does time fly?! He doesn't look anything like he does now. I can't even tell it is the same child!

Today our big boy went and visited the one year old classroom! That means that in about 2 weeks he will be going to his new rom. When his friend Jordyn visited the new room, she cried so much they sent her back and she cried herself to sleep that day. His teacher said she walked him down there and he walked in and didn't look back. He did great and even got to play outside with his new friends. Brings tears to my eyes thinking about what a big boy he is and how he is not scared to go into a new environment with new people. What a strong guy! I am so proud of him. He really surprises me everyday. Who knew a one year old could be so smart and ok with everything.

He is still a great eater. He ate white eggplant tonight with some shrimp and ricotta cheese.

I will send an email out in a few days with our predicted travel schedule for our mini road trip that we will take in two weeks!

Love to all!

..... Just as I was about to push the button to post this, Chuck started crying.... again.... for some reason he is having problems falling asleep. I just laid in the bed with him for an hour and a half. There was lots of smiling, laughing and lots of precious cuddling. He is not doing his wide open mouth kiss anymore. He is doing closed mouth ones and making the kissing noise with it. I think I got twenty kisses in a row in about 30 seconds..... melts my heart. He is laying in his crib now but not sleeping. Must have insomnia.

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