24 June 2011

First Haircut

Yep, Chuck got his first real haircut today. And can you believe I didn't get a picture. I was too busy holding him down. The thought of anyone touching his hair freaks him out. He will even pick my brush up and start brushing his hair and start crying. I know weird. Anyways, the haircut was long over due and now all the hairs are somewhat the same length.

Chuck is working on those molars. Ugh. Supposedly molars are the worst. You ain't seen teething until you've seen the big teeth come in.

Chuck is officially in the big boy room. You saw pictures of him eating breakfast. Apparently the child devours lunch and both snacks and acts like he hasn't eaten all day when he gets home. I am so thankful for daycare because it will truly keep Chuck nutritionally fed. It is so hard to cook everyday when Dr.'s schedule is so crazy. So much food goes to waste if I cook everyday.

My baby boy ate soft tacos, sloppy joes, pork tenderloin, ravioli, and a ham sandwich this week. That was accompanied by a fruit and a veggie every day. Today at school, they played outside, made shaving cream designs, and played with water. Half the things he does I really did not know he was capable of. I know when he gets home, he turns whiney. He has't cried all week at school and the entire time he has been at home this week he has screamed continuously. I think he is so busy at school he doesn't think about his teeth.

I am enjoying my summer. I have not relaxed yet. I spend my days doing laundry, working out, washing dishes and vacuuming. I am actually having fun keeping our house clean. It takes me all day to keep it clean. I do not know how I functioned this year. I guess I didn't. We would have dirty dishes covering every table top in our house and laundry piled in every corner.

All of our friends have packed and moved on. Our last ones ( and most special ones) pack up and leave Tuesday morning and are headed to Savannah. We have a couple of friends that aren't graduating yet and luckily, I have become very good friends with the people across the street. Chuck is just a month older than Nellie so we play a lot together.

Tomorrow we will be going to the zoo with Nellie and her parents. Drew has to work this weekend. Can't wait for July to roll around. I think Drew is being abused this month but he has only 4 more days. He may even get his MS medical license soon which means he can start moonlighting! I know he is excited about that.

Oh, Can you believe that the Chuckster is 15 MONTHS today! And not just 15 months but 15 months of ..... a lot of things.

Don't know if I have mentioned this story but:

The other night when Chuck was eating dinner, Samer started sharpening his claws on Chuck's toy box. I told Samer, "No, No Samer, No". Chuck then wanted out of his booster seat, so to prevent a meltdown I put him on the floor. Chuck went over to Samer ( who was still sharpening his claws) and started waving his hand at him and saying "No" and a bunch of other gibberish ( I mean Chuck talked to him for about 30 seconds). Samer jumped down and ran away and Chuck came back to the table to finish eating. So apparently, Chuck is disciplining cats now.

I promise I will put pictures up tomorrow of the little guy and his haircut visiting the zoo.

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