20 June 2011

Mashed Potatoes

About a month or so ago a friend's child was signing "more". SInce he is 5 months younger than Chuck I decided I would try to get him to do it.... for some reason I felt like I needed to catch him up even though we hadn't been doing any sign language. That night I was trying to teach him "more" and instead of signing it, he just said it. I thought why am I teaching my child to sign when he can just plain say it.

Last night Chuck and I fixed taters for dinner. When Dr. got home he put a bite in Chuck's mouth and Chuck signed "more" and said "more". I thought surely he didn't remember that from the one night that I had tried to teach him. He must have loved those potatoes because last night he was signing more and saying more for about an hour. He stood in the kitchen banging his hands together and then followed Dr. to the den and ate all his mashed potatoes.

I got a little bit on video and what I also got on video was Chuck's way of totally ignoring his mother. It's like sometimes I don't even exist.

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