16 June 2011

Fridge Thief

Someone rearranged the fridge and I caught him red handed.

And then later, he decided to feed the whip cream to the kitties.

I got a phone call today from daycare that said Chuck hit his nose and had a bloody nose. I guess the infant room is getting a little small for the kid. He spent the rest of the day with the big kids and we got our first big kid report! He had two snacks and ate all of them. He at just some of his lunch which was lasagna, peas & carrots, a roll, fruit and milk.

The report says that today he had story-time, sung songs, danced, did puzzles, played with blocks, painted, and played with his friends. He is so freaking cute. His teacher is potty training two of the older kids who will be going to the 2 year old room soon. She takes them to the bathroom every ten minutes..... ten minutes.... how was there time to have story-time, sing songs, dance, do puzzles, play with blocks, paint and play with friends when the teacher is in the bathroom every ten minutes. Sheesh, I think I will stick with 2nd grade!

We had a baby shower for a resident's wife at our house today. It forced me to do intense cleaning which would have happened anyway but it would have taken me a long time. I only get to clean ( dust, vacuum) on breaks ( Fall break, Christmas, Spring break and summer.) I know for real.... how yucky. The house is clean for now. Chuck will wake up in 9 hours so it will be wrecked soon.

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