14 June 2011

Poopin', Eatin', Slidin'

Poopin' or playing hide and go seek? Both! Chuck was rather chipper this morning while we were getting ready for school.

Yesterday I told you that Chuck thought we were getting in the pool instead of going to school. When I picked him up yesterday the first thing he did was look at me from across the room and say pool. So I brought him home, put him in a swim diaper, and took him to his pool. He immediately started screaming and running away from it, so we came inside. I guess he didn't want to go swimming after all.

This morning before school, we sat down and got the whole "school" and "pool" words down. It is funny how he can't say the "sch" so it makes the two words sound totally different. You would think that since he can say pool so well that school might kind of sound like it. Nope.

Today after school, he didn't mention the pool so I decided we would forgo the pool since he refused to get in yesterday. We ate dinner and were about to get in the tub. Then he said "pool". I figured that he wouldn't actually get in but that I would take him and show him the pool just to prevent any meltdowns. Apparently the little guy did want to swim. He climbed right in while still in his clothes.

Chuck is getting to be such a big boy. He totally understands me now ( doesn't mean he does what I say) and even makes conversations with me by his facial expressions. He is still talking a lot and is talking in gibberish sentences.

We have moved to the big boy booster seat. The high chair made it into the attic today. He loves the booster seat and gets extra excited when daddy sits down with him and eats ( except he eats all of daddy's food).

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