27 July 2011

Freezer Pleasers

This is what I wish my freezer looked like.

courtesy of Southern Living

Last year, it helped a LOT to stock my freezer. I think I may begin the process again. I will start tomorrow and continue next week when we get back from Tyler. It helps a lot just to have a great assortment of meat that I can thaw all day and then whip up a starch and veggie. I want to be part of a group that gets together one Saturday and prepares meals for the month..... hmmm. Oh and you can't forget about the crock pot..... my saving grace.

If anyone has recipes that freeze well or a delish crock pot recipe...... please comment under this post on the blog or email me..... I am SO serious..... I need ideas and help. You have read enough of my cooking misfortunes that you know I am not kidding. Please.... for the sake of my husband and child.... or they may go hungry.

We also aren't allowed back in the school building yet ( did I mention next week is the last week of summer.... eek) because they are "fixing" the mold issue. I will believe it when I see it (or smell it for that matter). I am hoping I can get in my room sometime next week.

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