25 July 2011

Defeating the Gyro Bowl

OK, well we have all seen the infomercials for the gyro bowl. You know, the bowl that spins around and can be handled by a toddler and it never spills. Well, if you don't know about Dr.'s obsession with the As Seen On TV aisle then that's a whole other blog. I can't complain, I wanted the gyro bowl too. While we were in Mobile, we found one for the Chuckinator. We seem to think the Chuck is crazy intelligent because he figures out how to get around things all the time. It doesn't take him much time for him to figure out how to overcome an obstacle. For instance.... if you have a bowl that is not supposed to spill then Chuck will figure out how to make it spill.....

We had a fun and can you believe it "relaxing" weekend! First weekend in a LONG time that this mama is not tired! Traveling has become so much easier because all Chuck needs is a diaper and a sippy cup. Of course clothes too but I don't HAVE to pack food if I don't want to ( i usually do but it is not necessary.) We also got Chuck a DVD player for the car and the rides are fun for everyone and stress/worry free. Our trip to Tyler on Saturday will probably be relatively uneventful. We will drive during Chuck's 3 hour nap time and then he can watch a movie.

Funny things that happened this weekend....

I have never really showed Chuck a pocket. I am assuming he sees his teachers put things in their pockets because they have scrubs with pockets on the front. Laney was putting things in her pockets and Chuck noticed what she was doing. Smart boy immediately started looking at his shorts and pulling them up so he could see his thigh to see if he had pockets. Cutest thing ever...

Also, Abby was looking for the rest of the fruit loops which happened to be in Dr.'s pocket. He gave them to her and Bob Bob said "what do you say"...... which we would all assume we would get a thank you. Abby paused for about 5 seconds really trying to figure out what she was going to say and all of a sudden said "Yea!!!". Hilarious. What goes on in the minds of these guys.... hahahaha.

Now for a picture. Apparently Chuck does not know to smile for the camera yet!

It is amazing how a few days can create such a big change. I have really been trying to get Chuck to start playing by himself and not have to have me next to him. I know once school begins I might have to sit on the couch and work while he plays. We were struggling with this and it seems to be coming around after this weekend. After his bath Chuck always gets to play in his jammies. Last night after being in Mobile all weekend, Chuck did a very good job at entertaining himself. Dr. and I sat and pretended like we were busy and watched him. He is such a hoot. It is amazing the amount of maturity that can creep up just in a day! We have been meltdown free lately too ( meltdown= laying on the floor crying for no reason).

Mommyhood is actually becoming less stressful and is having more fun moments and there is light at the end of the tunnel. Although as of two weeks ago Chuck was making a good case for being the only child. I can actually see how I MIGHT be able to have another child. (Disclaimer: "might" is the key word and there was no time frame in that sentence..... which means Chuck will definitely not be a big brother until at least 3 or 4 years of age ( and I can put money on that statement if you want me to.)

Also, have I mentioned Chuck's refusal to use a booster seat? He sits at tiny tables at daycare and has his little table at home therefore he thinks he should not have to sit in a booster seat. Unfortunately, Granna and Bob Bob do not have a midget table for the midget (well actually they do but I never thought about feeding him there). He did get all the strawberries in his mouth although I am not necessarily sure he could see what he was eating.

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