12 July 2011


Well, Bob Bob and Granna are here helping with a little house cleaning. We took off the storm windows and scrubbed them. We also fixed any windows that needed fixing or scraping and washed them too. Just trying to get a jump start on getting the house ready to sell. This year is going to fly by and I am going to be so busy teaching. I am worried that I am going to be stressed to the max. Might as well get ahead now.

Don't have many good pics to share. We did go to Bass Pro Shop to see the fish. Chuck enjoyed riding in the elevator up and down about 12 times. He loved seeing the stuffed bear and sitting on the 4 wheeler.

I don't like Chuck to hang out in the sunroom because it has all the kitty cat stuff in there and a brick floor. I usually close the gate. The other day I was doing laundry and he walked into the sunroom. After a few seconds I walked into the kitchen and saw that he had done this....

He had locked himself and Samer in the kitty cat room and looked at me like "yep, I did it, am I in trouble?"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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