14 August 2011

Big guns

I had to pull out the big guns but it kept us awake until naptime. I filled up a few bowls of water and dropped bath fizzers in that changed the color of the water. We had a grand ol' time splashing, stirring, and everything else! I was planning on mopping the kitchen tonight anyway so what would it hurt!

Sure enough we were worn out.... Too bad he cut his nap an hour and a half short .

Nothing feels better than to fall asleep on the couch with this kid. He lets me put my head on his lap and he pats my head. Best pillow ever!

On another note, Molly had a run in with the doggies next door. A bunch of us heard it. I was able to hand Chuck off and climb the chain link fence and get her down... Without shoes.. Think I might have lost my pinkie toes. She won't walk on her right foot. I don't think it's broken because she doesn't care if I push on her bones. She's got some teeth marks on her shoulder. No blood for her but she sure did do some damage on that dog. She is hiding under Chuck's bed now so I will see if I need to take her to the vet tomorrow after school. Be thinking of our Molly girl.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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