24 August 2011

Coming Up for Air

I'm still here, I'm still here. Sorry no pictures tonight. I can't keep my head on straight much less keep up with my phone which is my only source of picture taking. Ok, trying to think of what's been going on....

I having been working my "you know what" off at work trying to get my students to behave. We are now at week 2 and I haven't taught anything yet. How did I do this as a brand new teacher? I can't say I have had a good day yet but surely it is coming. These kids are crazy and it is sad to say my one year old behaves better than them!

Granna and Bob Bob stayed with Chuck this weekend while I spent time with the college girls and slept in ( hmmm.... sleeping in means 7.) I think they were dreading having to stay a total of 4 days but were pleasantly surprised at how easy Chuck was. They said he was well behaved and the sweetest little boy ever. Only fussed once when Granna got out of the car. ( We have a little problem thinking people are leaving us.... I dare you to walk out the door when the little fellow is nearby!) It was good to get home and get a big hug from the little man. Being away was really good and helped me remember not to take stuff for granted.

Today Chuck is 17 months old!!! Tomorrow I will officially be closer to 60 than 0 and get to spend my special day at a PTA meeting while my husband and baby play together. And also to celebrate, we had our first parent teacher conference as parents today. We didn't get any bad reports ( no biting or hitting). We were told that Chuck is one of the top students and when they do something they know he will always be the one to catch on. ( He did say "purple" in the tub last night and then handed me a purple letter... I know. He's awesome.) Another thing we talked about was potty training. Um... yes. We are officially old enough to be potty training our child. Apparently an Elmo potty is on the shopping list for this weekend. I wasn't expecting it but she asked our permission to start potty training on Monday. Is this something I have to be prepared to do? He has been interested in it lately. He helps pull paper off the roll and hands it to me when I am in the restroom. I have also let him go with his daddy to the bathroom. (The problem with him going with daddy is that he is so interested and busy looking to see what is going on that his head gets a little too close to the stream..... I know, too much info but it is hilarious to see him do it.) Today when we were getting in the bath, he pointed to the potty so I sat him on top. He just grinned the whole time. His little peepee was pointed straight up so I was praying that he didn't have to go. We sat for about a minute and then decided we didn't want to be up there anymore.

That's about it for now. I am trying to motivate myself to wake up and go to hell every morning. Dr. is also getting a little antsy over here. He also thinks his work is synonymous with the word hell.

Oh, and have I mentioned we are Texas bound in a year? Yep, Tyler better get ready for the Weber's. You ain't seen nothing yet!

I just reread my post looking for typos ( and didn't finish correcting them) and started crying when I got to the potty training part. There is no way that my baby is old enough to go potty by himself. Geez, what a tear jerker! I love him.

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