18 October 2011

Roller Coaster RIde

We have had some adventure the past week and weekend. Daddy went to San Francisco last week and is finally coming home at midnight tonight. We can't wait until he lands safely so we know where he is and how he is doing at all times. He has to work every day for the rest of the month... Actually, I have mixed feelings about him coming home. Hehe. We still won't get to see him but there will be laundry and cooking that has to be done. So I wonder if he can bring his hotel maid service with him.

Granna and Bob Bob came to visit so this little ( ok, big) mama wouldn't go psycho crazy on her son. I had a presentation to give on Monday so it was nice having back up just incase I needed it. Unfortunately, it was not smooth sailing and I totally needed it. The weekend started off ok. I took Friday off to get things done that I never get to do like vacuum, errands, and buying a new fridge! ( Isn't that sad that I have to take a day off to do errands and vacuum!) Chuck seemed like he didn't feel well on Friday but we weren't totally sure. He had college day at school ( the only college shirt we had was an Auburn one) and he had a picnic so I packed him his first ever school lunch in his new lunchbox.

After school, an open fire hydrant sparked Chuck's curiosity and he insisted on Bob Bob taking a walk with him to check it out.

Saturday morning we were gong to head to the zoo but someone fell asleep while he was playing at the window with the cat. We decided to just leave him and cover him up.

Then we took an afternoon trip to the zoo. Chuck loves the zoo and is getting better at just walking and not running around like crazy. He was extra interested in the animals this trip. Bob Bob and Granna even liked the zoo and the train ride that we took while there.

On Sunday, once Chuck woke up from his nap ( where he fell asleep on the couch), we went on a picnic and Chuck took his new lunchbox.

Then we headed to pick up some mini pumpkins for Chuck's class and to the playground. Yep, this is the little person we are dealing with these days.

So all was good until Sunday night... Chuck went to bed at 7:30 and then woke up at 10:30 and then.... stayed awake for the rest of the night. Yep, I made him stay in the bed with me but he just sat there all night long. NO SLEEP. Talk about a tired Mama, a tired baby, and a presentation that was given with the little bit of energy I did have. When Chuck got home yesterday from school, he decided to vomit all down the front of mom, all over himself, and the kitchen floor. We shared a nice warm bath so that we could both get clean and get teh curdled cheese out of my hair. No fever though! What?!? The only thing I can think of is that the poor child had been up for so long that his body just couldn't handle anymore and exploded. Still no fever.

He was tired this afternoon so went to bed a little bit earlier because Mr. Grumps had come to visit and he is not welcome in this house.

So here at the Weber household we have been fighting something and we don't even know what we are fighting, taking medicine for things that might no even be there, and crying all the way through it. What's next? Bring it on.

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