06 January 2012

No News = not good news

No news from us means that we are crazy out of control here. School started back this week which means that Chuck went from sleeping in, to waking up at 4:00 every morning. What is this child trying to get back at me for? I thought for sure that he would be tired this week since he was getting back on a tough schedule. Not so much.

My assistant was also out for the week so back to school week had a little wrench thrown in it when my "plans" could not really be followed through since my expected help was not there. Needless to say this mama is pooped. Four o'clock wake up calls and lack of the usual help at work has done me in.

Daddy is moonlighting two hours away for the next four days so he will just stay the night instead of having to drive back and forth. It's just me and the little dude this weekend. Not sure how we are going to make it through this one. One hour at a time I guess. I am praying that rain doesn't ruin our 70 degree weekend. I am going to find a big field so this little guy can run until he falls asleep mid-stride.

On a better note, the house is going up on MLS and the dude that came today to give me an estimate on washing the house can do it tomorrow! I like it. Also, we contacted a bank in Tyler to start the mortgage process and they have a program for physicians, just like the one here, that does not require a down payment from us. Which is just super news. Stressing about a down payment is one more thing to mark off my list. ( Well, actually the bank just sold but the new shareholders like the program so will probably keep the physician program going.... so things are looking good.) I like it.

Hopefully the next two days will be full of fun and pictures ( if they are anything like the four hours I spent with Chuck today, I seriously doubt it..... we definitely had a terrible-twos day today... and of course for no apparent reason.)

I like sleep too. I am going to find some now. Nighty night.

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