19 April 2012


I'm taking the day off.... I didn't tell anyone. Not my husband, not my child, not nobody. I knew if I even mentioned it then Chuck would be sick at home. For some reason that happens every time this mama takes a personal day; I wind up taking care of a sick someone.

I got my hair done this morning and now I am waiting for the adventure of taking a 2 year old for his 2 year old check up. Wish me luck, wish him luck, wish the nurses luck.

We have been away from the blog for awhile. Life is just happening too fast! We are closing on our house in Tyler on May 18th! I finish work on May 30th and Dr. graduates June 16th!

We are having fun raising this crazy two year old which still surprises me everyday. A few weeks ago, Chuck's friend across the street started counting. I freaked out because I can't get Chuck to count. I addressed it with his teacher ( who was in the middle of telling me that he is the most advanced in the class because he is the only one that knows his months).... ok. She said he can count but he only counts on good days. Go figure. So FINALLY I got him to start counting for me. He's hilarious. You can totally tell his favorite numbers by which ones he screams! Chuck loves number 11 but I think he sounds the cutest when he says 12.

He has been working on potty training too. He teeteed twice on the potty the other day and of curse we are working at home but we aren't a good about it as his teachers are. We are outside most of the time when we are home and he doesn't quite get the standing up part sooo..... I'm not pushing it. I figure he will do it when he wants to.

We are so thankful the weather has been beautiful for a while. We spend most of our time outside. We will miss all of our neighbors who let Chuck take over their yards, ride their yard ornament animals, and sit on their porches. We will especially miss our "girl"friend across the street. If Chuck sees Nellie outside, he will start yelling "Hey, Hey!" Nellie will yell back "Chuck, Chuck!" and they will start running towards each other.

We are also more impressed by bugs lately. We like to have bugs on our hands. It's cool. We discovered rolly pollies yesterday which was awesome but this past weekend, we found a ladybug!

Chuck really looks like a little boy. He is not a toddler. He is just plain boy. He growing like crazy ( stats to come after our appointment). His hair is my nemesis. It grows so fast I can't keep up. There is too much anxiety invovled in taking him somewhere to get it cut so I do it myself while he watches a movie or takes a bath. I thought I did a pretty good job this time!

Oh, and a real quick story.....
Since Chuck's daycare is part of a hospital, everyday we drive away and I go "there's the hospital". Chuck has started saying "Daddy work" in response. Dr. is back at work so we don't see him often. The other night Chuck asked where he was and I told him he was working. Chuck then proceeded to tell me that "Daddy works the hospital. Fall boo boo Daddy work." Yep son. Daddy works at the hospital and when people fall and get boo boos, Daddy helps them. Sweet child.

I laugh when I think a few posts back about my first real conversation with Chuck. Well my friends, he has blown that out of the water now. We are in constant conversation now!

Oh and....
The other night I was rocking Chuck and we were..... yep, talking.... and Chuck told me he wanted a baby in my tummy. I asked him if he wanted a sister like his friend Nellie or a brother. He replied that he wants a brother. Then I cried. The next day we went and drove past the miniature pony. He asked for a horse.

Don't mention it..... but I am taking tomorrow off too. I am hoping the shots don't give me a sick child at home tomorrow.

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