30 March 2013


Apparently Smith is weaning himself from nursing. I weaned Chuck around 3 1/2 to 4 months so I feel it is "even". Ha!

Smith cries and fusses during the day when he is nursing. He nurses great during the night and first thing in the morning. During the day when he doesn't want to nurse, he takes a bottle so easily.

We have made progress on the sleeping front. The past four nights Smith has slept on his back in a pack and play in my closet. He has been going to bed at 7, waking to eat at 3, and then going back down until 7! Wahoo! Tonight Dr. insisted on Smith sleeping in the crib. I have 3 monitors in there! Let's hope for a good night and that the boys do not wake each other. That's my fear!

Smith loves his doorway jumper. (Yes, he's in the pantry. The other doorways have too much crown moulding to hold the jumper!)

I guess it is time to use the seatbelt!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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