17 April 2013

Split Personalities?

It's amazing how that cute kid blowing the dandelions yesterday can go to sleep and wake up a monster.

We were very late to school today. Someone was about 1 second away from spending the day locked in his room. Smart boy figured out life would be much better at school.

Smith is taking 5 thirty minute naps each day. Makes productivity quickly fade. Trying to figure out between feeding and napping how to get out of the house, that's a tricky one. Also, the refusal to be put down, to ride in a car seat, or ride in a stroller, quickly drives one to want to drink.

We are on our 6th day out of 10 (yes, I'm counting) with no dad. I'm slowly going bonkers ( icing on the cake is that our maid is on the verge of having a baby so didn't show today). We are also starting to go hungry since Smith and I can't make it out of the house.

I started an exercise routine on Monday. I was prepared to go buy new shoes today and exercise without baby. With a baby screaming the whole time during a 30 minute jog, it just makes being fat so much better. I'd rather be fat then skinny and (extra) crazy.

Oh wait, looks like its time for our nap (again).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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