19 April 2013


Soooo I am pretty sure that little bambino is getting some chompers.  He slept a total of 45 minutes yesterday and really got upset this morning when it was supposed to be nap time.  After an hour of screaming he finally gave up and fell asleep in my lap.   he still gave me some belly laughs and some sweet smiles today.  He also loves his big brother so much.  Chuck can make him smile no matter what.  Smith's favorite part of the day is watching Chuck take a bath and playing in the tub.  Chuck also likes to make "silly faces" at his brother.  Smith thinks it is hilarious.

Clifford visited the kids at school today because next week is the book fair.  Chuck was so excited.  I got a call from a mom and she said how sweet Chuck was and how excited he was to meet Clifford.  She said he was very kind and had a very intelligent conversation with him.  After school, we came home and read several Clifford books out of my classroom library.  Chuck received a gift certificate at a bookstore for his birthday so I told him we could go look at books this weekend.  Clifford will be back next Friday for his 50th birthday party.

Dad has gone to Dallas for a class this weekend.  He has the 2nd part of his boards the first weekend of May so this is a review class.  With all these tests and classes, he is on his 2nd weekend of a total of 7 weekends away either working, class9ing), or testing.

Chuck has a three day weekend this weekend so he will go with me on Monday to take Smith for his 4 month shots.  Doesn't every little guy need the support of his big brother! Smith will be 4 months tomorrow ( Saturday).  Time goes by a lot faster the second time around.

I have also been contemplating a trip south.  I am still looking at schedules but I am looking into taking the boys to Alabama at the end of May and early June.  Chuck has been asking to go to the beach and to play at BobBob's house and to take a bath in BobBob and Granna's tub ( I have no idea about the whole bath thing.....).

Anyways, the sun should be out this weekend so hopefully we can find a lot of things to entertain ourselves with!

NO pictures today because they would just be pictures of a very tired, screaming baby.

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